Deciding On Rational Tactics In Lucky Number
Top Insights For 2017 On Critical Issues Of

If you've been penny-pinching, you may transform into a big spender over the next eight years. Alternatively, if you've been known to push the limits of your bank account, Uranus's motion may inspire you to work within more budgetary restraints. Astrologers unanimously agree that the financial markets will be volatile during this time, so make sure you are prepared to endure risks on any investments, including in cryptocurrency, real estate, and jewelry. Since the physical environment will also be impacted by Uranus's transit through Taurus, this is a great time to explore practices in sustainability. Check out your local farmers' markets, research the ingredients of the food you buy, and consider new, innovative ways you can reduce your ecological footprint. Uranus's movement through Taurus will encourage you to pay closer attention to our habits of consumption. The most important thing to remember about any Uranus transits is to always expect the unexpected since Uranus teaches us important lessons by rattling our universe. Don't be afraid of its rumble, but buckle your seatbelts, cosmic warriors — these next eight years are going to be wild. Read more stories on astrology and the occult: Including what to say when your ex asks you to get drinks. Find out exactly what turns you on, according to astrology. An astrologer explains how to survive your Saturn return.
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